Wednesday, July 13, 2011

At Kilroy's!

I got a little smooshed on my trip to Kilroy's house, my ears were all flat!

George didn't seem to mind and we spent some time getting to know each other

I think he could smell all the other kitties I've been visiting on my big trip

I was tired from my trip so I decided to take a nap right in the middle of the floor. I think George was surprised.

This is a teddy bear sculpture outside the building where Kilroy works - it was just there temporarily, but we got a picture.

The mean security guard wouldn't let Kilroy take a picture in the lobby of the building (it was really cool, though, with big video screens on the wall).
We went upstairs and I helped Kilroy search for video in the library collection

The next morning we went to the pool; this is me waiting for our lane to be empty.

Whew! That was a good swim!

Kilroy didn't want me to catch a cold, so she wrapped me up all warm and snuggly in a towel.

This is Brutus the goggie. He's really big, but he was pretty friendly. His human is Mr. K's niece.

We went by a park where they had a really cool art exhibit - it looked like a giant, floating head.
I was a little scared of it, but Kilroy held me so it was OK.

See how brave I am? I held onto the fence so they could take my picture with the big head!

The next day I helped plant some flowers out on the balcony of the apartment
I was scared to get too close to the edge - can you see how high up we are?

Aren't the flowers pretty?

Here I am in the middle of Times Square - it was so big and noisy!
There were taxis and lots of people, and big video billboards, and it was really cool.

We went to the theater to visit some of my distant relatives - I think I would make a great Simba, but they said they weren't holding auditions that day.

And that was my time in New York! I had fun, but now I'm moving on.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

At 2 popoki's

Typical male. Brand new bannister, not even finished yet ! and he had to slide down it.

Fraser arrive in time to share my birthday with me !! Once he was done playing on the bannister, he posed with my roses.

He had to see what it the gym was all about. Hmmm.. the weight was bit much for him

He decided staying at home with Chloe and Mili was a better idea.

Frasers tries to play the ipuheke. Hmm... it's a bit large.
Maybe from this angle?

Maybe I'll try the ipu - it's more my size !

Fraser decides to just hide out with Mili instead !

Off to Hawaii. Fraser was so excited! He had to have his picture with the Airline sign!

After looking at the size of that stand up paddle board, Fraser was happy to be the guard cat at the house in Hawai'i.
He's ready for his next adventure!!! Where oh where will Fraser go next ?!?!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

At Cheri's

Cheri has a very cat friendly apartment, lots of cushioned things, a nice soft warm bed, plenty of litter boxes, lots and lots of toys. I almost didn’t want to leave, but Cheri convinced me that there were a lot of people on TDK who still wanted to meet me, so I have continued my travels. Here are a few pictures :

No, that’s not a two headed cat. That’s Melinda with Catarina in the very back. And of course, handsome me.

Here I am on Cheri’s bed. You can’t see the canopy in this picture, but it is pretty and also a plaything. Cheri doesn’t like it used as a plaything. Too bad.

Me and Spice. Spice is beautiful, but she doesn’t like cameras or posing for pictures. She is a grumpy, but I would be too, if I were as old as her. She’s 14.

Catarina on top, then me, and then Spice.

Catarina. Cheri calles her a “big hunk of love.”

Cheri’s office, where she earns money to buy her kitties everything they need and want.

Another picture of Cheri’s office.

There are lots of dinosaurs in Binghamton !!! Here I am with one. Johnny Hart of the “BC” and “Wizard of ID” cartoons was a native of Binghamton. He was a patron of the arts and lent his paintings and cartoon characters to be used all over Binghamton. Other famous people who lived in Binghamton were Edwin Link of the airplane simulator and Rod Serling of “The Twilight Zone.”

Another picture of the caveman, me, and the dinosaur.

I am off to Arizona to continue my travels! Thanks for being a good host Cheri!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

At Mittens!

Whew! That was a long trip from the East Coast to the West Coast. I was greeted very enthusiastically by Mittens the cat. She bonked me and rubbed me and sniffed me and nipped me and hugged me.

Then we talked. She's quite a frisky girl.

After all the feline formalities we headed off to the little marina

I was treated to a little boat ride.
Good thing I was already used to being on the water. This was different from the Texas hot tub. It was still fun though. On our way home we went to Sandspit. There was a big ship out there and a view of Morro Rock
The next day we went to Hearst Castle. Well actually the parking lot at Hearst Castle. It was late in the day and we missed the tours

Then we went to the park across the street from the castle. It was a beautiful day

The following day I went to the office with my host. We had to drive on a dirt road to get there. First we saw the big bunny.

Then we saw some flowers.
and the covered bridge.

After that I helped print some reports

I did some filing.Before we left, Violet the safety dog showed me how to use the tractor. Ever see a cat on a Deere?

Next on the agenda was a trip to Montana de Oro. I was very brave and I sat on the rocks near the water

Then I climbed onto some rocks by the tide pools. It was high tide so I didn’t get too far.

One day the son of my host needed a ride from the college. I got to hang out with the Cuesta Cougar.
On our way back home we saw a bear and I just had to meet him too. This is the North Bear.

Across the street from the bear is the Elfin Forest. The trees aren’t very tall here.
The fog was heavy so I could barely see the estuary and the water birds.

We went on the walking path and I couldn’t resist climbing up a pygmy oak tree.

My last day here was a beautiful sunny day. My host treated me to a walk at Coleman Park and a picture with Morro Rock. My host says I can just call it the Rock.
I had a lot of fun here. I’m scheduled to be at another event so I gotta go. See ya later!