Wednesday, July 13, 2011

At Kilroy's!

I got a little smooshed on my trip to Kilroy's house, my ears were all flat!

George didn't seem to mind and we spent some time getting to know each other

I think he could smell all the other kitties I've been visiting on my big trip

I was tired from my trip so I decided to take a nap right in the middle of the floor. I think George was surprised.

This is a teddy bear sculpture outside the building where Kilroy works - it was just there temporarily, but we got a picture.

The mean security guard wouldn't let Kilroy take a picture in the lobby of the building (it was really cool, though, with big video screens on the wall).
We went upstairs and I helped Kilroy search for video in the library collection

The next morning we went to the pool; this is me waiting for our lane to be empty.

Whew! That was a good swim!

Kilroy didn't want me to catch a cold, so she wrapped me up all warm and snuggly in a towel.

This is Brutus the goggie. He's really big, but he was pretty friendly. His human is Mr. K's niece.

We went by a park where they had a really cool art exhibit - it looked like a giant, floating head.
I was a little scared of it, but Kilroy held me so it was OK.

See how brave I am? I held onto the fence so they could take my picture with the big head!

The next day I helped plant some flowers out on the balcony of the apartment
I was scared to get too close to the edge - can you see how high up we are?

Aren't the flowers pretty?

Here I am in the middle of Times Square - it was so big and noisy!
There were taxis and lots of people, and big video billboards, and it was really cool.

We went to the theater to visit some of my distant relatives - I think I would make a great Simba, but they said they weren't holding auditions that day.

And that was my time in New York! I had fun, but now I'm moving on.

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