Thursday, July 29, 2010

At Siobhan's!

Tansey's Fancy meets me.

Tansey and Hermes Lunar Eclipse check me out.

Hermes wants to shake my paw! I'm so happy I have new friends!

I'm visiting Waldo Library today. I am checking my blog. Who is that handsome kitty on Mr. Lion? ME!!

Check out these two monitors! Wow! I can see lots of kitties like this! I am doing a lot of travel research today!

I met some kitties at the library too.

Dr. Reish is the Dean of the Libraries and we talked about travel. I got some good tips. Do you like his hat?

I visited the dentist. Alexis told me my teeth are perfect! Alexis is pretty!

This is what the Renaissance Faire looked like when I arrived.

I met a troll, who sang me some kitty songs! He wasn't scary!

Oh my, this is a scary weapon! Nobody would be afraid of me if I carried this!

I met the Queen of Silver Leaf! She welcomed me to her lands.

This is SCARY armor! I should wear this when I carry my SCARY weapon! Roar! (Did I scare you?)

This lady with flutterbies in her hair just loved and loved me! I purred a lot for her!

This is Robyn the Bard. I helped him sing! Isn't his guitar with the fairy on it pretty?

Oh no! I ended up in JAIL! I am right in the middle, between the A and I. I purred my way out, whew!

I like this shop! They have pretty jewelry and a MIRROR.

I am such a handsome boy! Everybody says so

So many fairy wings! I like this purple pair, don't you?

Look! I met Gandalf the White! He said I was destined for a long and happy journey! How did he know?

I took in a show! I watched the Rogue Blades. The lady next to me is pointing because she's never seen a kitty like me at a Renaissance Faire!

I was thirsty, so I stopped for a drink at the bar. These are my new bar buddies! They wanted to know how to follow my adventures, and I told them. What friendly people I met! -hic-

I met part of my family! This couple is part of the Scottish clan of Fraser! Wow! I can wear the Fraser tartan! I never knew I was a Scottish kitty! Maybe my parents were Scottish Fold kitties!

Zoe is a neighbor to Tansey and Hermes. She thought I was so cute she had to hold me. (I like redheads)
After the faire, I was very tired. Hermes told me a bedtime story and I fell asleep. Can you see my new collar? It was a present from Hermes and Tansey and mommy Siobhan. I had so much fun, but -yawn- now I'm sleepy, so I'm going to take a nice long nap! My next stop is the Pennsic War in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania! I'm going to go CAMPING and meet lots more people.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Trip to debsterwiz in PA!

Hi, Fraser here visiting with Mr. Big Lion. I saw him while Debsterwiz
was traveling with me and I insisted on stopping and saying hello!!
Ooooohhhhhhhh, here I am visiting the most notorious, corrupt courthouse
in the land. Please get me out of here before they put me in jail too!!!!!

Here is my new friend Milo, showing love! Hey did anyone ever tell Milo
that it's not very loving to eat your friends????

Amy? Rusty? Can you please help me out here??

Thanks Amy, I thought I was a goner! Rusty, please stay on look out for

Wow! It's a nipp party with Amy, Rusty, Petey, and Pricilla!

Cool! Rolling in this stuff is soooooo nice.......................

Funny how you just love EVERYBODY while all nipped up! Hey watch out, Mikey
is tiring to steel my nipp!

Oh my head! Is this what happens when you get drunk and leyed?????

AAwwwwww, Whiskers loves his brother from another mother!!!!

See, everybody loves me!!! Even Sammie and she doesn't like cats!!!

Connecticut may have had it's cows, Wilkes-Barre, PA had it's mules! Not
many left now but I did find a new friend!

Ooohhh, Farmers Market! Where is the nipp stand?? What no nipp stand!!
What is wrong with these silly hoomans???

Pretty jewelry! Ok, pack it all up, thanks for my gifts!

OOoohhhhhh, I just love rockin out!

Well Debsterwiz took me to the office! I think I will hide here before they
put me to work!!!
Next up, Siobhan! I hear I am going to go to a Renaissance Fair. I can't wait!