If you have a Flickr account, you can see a lot of Pennsic photos here:
I was unable to download any of them to add to Fraser’s story.
You can also see more Pennsic photos at the official Pennsic war website:
This is how I traveled to Pennsic War 39. This was a cozy basket, I had all I needed for a nice nap. I was safe and secure.
This is camping?? A king-sized bed?? With heated mattress pads?? I could sleep anywhere I wanted, but I liked this big bed! I think I’m going to like camping this way. Storms came and I was afraid, but we were safe. No leaks or drips, no wet fur, no tent falling down. We also had a very nice kitchen with lots of yummy food! This big tent was like an apartment! We even had rugs on the floor!
I am a shop cat. I had a job! I worked as the Shop Cat for a nice merchant lady and her husband and their shop minion. I worked around pretty jewelry.
My job is to guard the catnip toys! This was a very important job. Local farm kitties stole two toys from the basket at night when I was asleep! Naughty kitties!
Dressing in amber. Look at me! Aren’t I a handsome cat in amber? I thought so too.
This is more of the shop. We were open until Midnight on Wednesday night, that’s why the shop is lit up. Everybody comes out to buy at the shops on Wednesday night.
This is Siobhan, the nice merchant lady posing with me. Thank you for the picture, Lord Tarmach.

Scratching my nails on the signpost. Oh, this felt SO GOOD. Scratch scratch scratch
I visit the Bank at Pennsic. A bank?? At a camping place? These nice men were the bank staff. The man on the left is Mack Cooper, this is his campground (Cooper’s Lake). They were very nice men. I had to cash a TravelingCat check.
Hiding in the shop herb garden. Can you find me? I liked hiding in the herbs and flowers. I could watch all the people go by in the shade. Some days were very HOT and I liked the shade. Our camp was built around a big tree, so we had shade all day long. There were fifteen thousand people to watch at Pennsic! That’s a lot!
I was a hit in my basket at class. I went to class! I learned a lot and everyone wanted to meet me and pet me. I made lots of friends at class! (And there wasn’t a quiz!) There were more than 700 classes offered!
The shop sign at night. This was on Wednesday night when everybody was open until midnight! I was very tired when it was all over.
Open late. Look at all the people in the streets! There was music, dancing, parades, parties… and lots of shopping! Over 300 shops!!
Partying in the streets. Lots of parties! Lots of people! Lots of pets for ME!
More party in the street. EVERYBODY comes out on Wednesday night! Some people dress very fancy for this.
Shopping at Midnight Madness. That’s what they call the special Wednesday night shopping time. It’s cooler at night and people like to come out and shop.
Long view, Midrealm Royal. Can you see me in the middle? I’m visiting a camp called Midrealm Royal, that’s where the King and Queen of the Middle Kingdom lived. Pretty thrones! I bowed a lot.
Ready to mail to WWM. I was sad to leave the shop, I had such a good time camping! But I can hardly wait for the rest of my adventures, so I’ll snug myself in the envelope and take a nap until I arrive in Texas! Bye everyone!
You are sooo cute Fraser!
ReplyDeleteI like the one you were doing scratching.lol
Have fun in TX~~