Tuesday, August 31, 2010

at WWM's

I arrived safely in Texas after having a wonderful visit with Siobhan in Michigan. But I was very tired after attending the Pennsic War, and I told WWM and Uncle WWM that I hoped we could just hang out and relax at home. Also, I discovered that it's quite hot in Texas. For just a few minutes, I thought that I had been deposited in that place where the evil kitties hang out! But WWM and Uncle WWM showed me this wonderful invention called air conditioning and things began to look up after that. We arrived home and I got the nip toys that Siobhan sent for Willow and Windi out of my suitcase and then we all settled in to spend some fun time together. Of course, it seemed that an inordinate amount of time was spent by the girls in sniffing me. I have no idea what that was all about! They loved their toys and here we are getting to know each other. Aren't we all pretty black kitties??????

Here I am with Windi. WWM had to remind her to share her toys with me!

Willow, as you can clearly see, is something of a toy hog. I might have to box her ears!

Well, maybe I overdid it on the nip just a teeny bit. For some reason, I got very sleepy!
That evening we had martinis on the screened in patio. I liked that because those huge Texas grasshoppers couldn't get to me. And there were nom's so of course I helped myself. After all, I didn't want WWM to have to wait on me! I like to be a good guest and pitch in by helping myself!

Uh-oh! Apparently those nom's were not for me! How embarrassing!

I had a nice fruit salad dinner with some of WWM's turtles. They were very friendly and didn't even try to bite or snap at me! In fact, they thought that I was extremely handsome, not to mention very polite!

What a friendly group!!! I even learned a few words of Texas Turtle Talk!

The next day we all got up and had a lovely breakfast. Willow, Windi and I played with so many toys and we were having such a great time. Then, all of a sudden, WWM goes ballistic and starts going on about someone named Hazel not showing up - again. Willow and Windi ran, and they tried to warn me but I didn't understand and couldn't run fast enough. Before I knew what had happened, WWM put all of us to work! Did you know that there is an incredible amount of dust to clean up in Texas????

I thought that I did a great job and that I would like to go and lay in the shade on the patio and watch the birds with Willow and Windi. But WWM had different plans..............................

Finally WWM said that we were through and that I did a very good job helping to mop up the cat hair. She asked if we would all like a treat after our hard work, but all I wanted to do was take a nap. She about worked me to death!

WWM and Mr. WWM showed me some pictures from their bike rides and I thought that a bike ride would be a fun way to see some of West Texas. So I hopped on WWM's bike and off we went to explore.

There was just one little problem - I couldn't see anything riding behind WWM so we decided to change things up a bit. Whee - this is much better!!! Faster, faster, WWM!!!!!

There aren't too many hills around here but we finally found one where WWM could go really fast. I'm not so sure that I like this after all! I think WWM has had too many martinis!!!!!!! SLOW DOWN, WWM!!!!!

Finally WWM found the perfect place for me to ride. Of course, I have no idea if I am coming or going!

We got back home after exploring the countryside on our bike. WWM pointed out all of the flora and fauna on our ride - I wonder if I should take a tumbleweed home? And I saw a tarantula, a lizard and even a squished snake!!! It's good to be home, though. It was getting pretty hot out there! And, this was kind of embarrassing, but I needed to use the litterbox after our adventure on the hill..........

I got so hot on our bike ride and WWM asked me if I would like to lay on a raft in the pool. Gosh, I forgot my Speedo!!! But she said not to worry, that swim suits were optional. This felt so good!

I think that I could stay in here all day! I wonder what time cocktails are served?

WWM said that she had someone very special, and very important, for me to meet. Who could be more special than I am? After all, I am Fraser the Traveling Cat! But just to humor her, I got out of the pool and dried off to meet her friend.

So this is the famous Bobby, who also travels? I have heard about this kitty and his world traveling adventures. We spent a nice afternoon talking about travel, what we have seen, and where we would like to go next. And I was able to give Bobby some tips on packing because I've become quite good at stuffing suitcases.

My visit to Texas went by so fast! I spent a few last minutes before my flight playing with Willow and Windi. I know that they will miss me!

WWM helped me to pack my suitcase and get ready for my next visit to someone in my TDK family. She even tucked in some new nip toys for me to share with my friends who are waiting for me to arrive! WWM and Uncle WWM took me to the airplane and gave me a kiss goodbye. I'm pretty sure that WWM was crying. But I told her, in the famous words of some big guy in the movies, "I'll be back"!

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